Thursday, June 27, 2013

High River......Let us help them get back on their feet!!

June 26th, 2013
High River Flooding Update #3

This info bulletin is specific to the flooding situation and response in the Town of High River.

Current situation update

State of local emergency continues for the Town of High River and the mandatory evacuation order remains in effect.

Reception centres for displaced High River residents are set up in Nanton at the Tom Horneker Reception Centre, in Blackie at the town arena and in Okotoks at the curling rink.  The Town of High River is still a high risk environment.  Mud, rocks, debris and standing water are contaminated.  Sinkholes are also a hazard.  It is not safe to return to the Town of High River at this time.
A staged re-entry plan for residents is being finalized and will be implemented as soon as it is safe for residents to begin returning.
The province is supporting the Town of High River in developing a recovery plan.  Water and sewer treatment facilities became operational on a limited basis overnight and are being monitored, However, three of the town’s 10 sewage lift stations remain under water.  Work to drain and pump standing water is ongoing.  Large areas of standing water remain.  Five building inspection teams have been deployed to inspect homes and business.  The High River Hospital remains evacuated.

This is what we are doing to help……

So I have been thinking lately about what I can do to help people in High River…My family was affected by the flooding and have been evacuated from their homes.  So the other night Cody and I were talking about going down there when they are allowed back in their home, so we can help them to start rebuilding their home.  I am going to be making laundry baskets full of household items for my family and as many of their neighbours as I can. ….if any of you are interested in donating items or making a monetary donation so that we can purchase items for the baskets, it would be greatly appreciated.  You can drop off any donations at the I Do Shop or text me to make arrangements 780-207-5240. Thanks!

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